
With the rapid advancements of technology, the variety of available platforms increased, as well as their purpose. Platforms such as Youtube, Sino Weibo, and Tiktok became megagiants of the industry, generating millions of dollars each day.   Messaging apps are also an essential part of our lives and provide different functions, from simple connections to our social circle to being used as a business platform or news channel.    The software Platform

With the rapid advancements of technology, the variety of available platforms increased, as well as their purpose. Platforms such as Youtube, Sino Weibo, and Tiktok became megagiants of the industry, generating millions of dollars each day.   Messaging apps are also an essential part of our lives and provide different functions, from simple connections to our social circle to being used as a business platform or news channel.    The software Platform


The primary benefit of using social media as a marketing tool, according to 88% of industry professionals, is increased exposure.


Social Media Software Market size s projected to reach USD $2.05 Billion by 2030


Facebook was the platform that marketers used the most in 2021, according to 93% of marketers worldwide. Following closely after were Instagram and LinkedIn, while one in ten businesses utilized TikTok for advertising.

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