HotUKdeals: Empowering Smart Shoppers Worldwide with Deals Platform
August 30, 2023
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Objective:  is the world's largest shopping community, founded in 2014 by Fabian Spielberger and Paul Nikkel. They operate within the e-commerce and online retail industry, providing a platform for users to discover and capitalize on various deals and offers. With a presence in eleven countries on four continents, the group connects 25 million consumers, 25 million consumers use these platforms every month, and make 12,000 purchasing decisions per minute. approached us with a two-fold challenge. Firstly, they sought to enhance the user experience and overall performance of their existing deals platform Secondly, they were eager to expand the platform's reach by incorporating new features to boost user engagement. 






During the project, the team encountered challenges with integrating a Single Page Application (SPA) to the existing infrastructure, which was based on Server-Side Rendering (SSR). To resolve this, we conducted extensive research and collaborated with Vue.js experts to design an efficient schema and resolver architecture that seamlessly aligned with the platform's requirements. 





The project involved a significant overhaul and redevelopment of the existing platform. Our goal was to align the platform with modern technologies and industry best practices while also delivering iterative changes to improve the user experience. The new platform exhibits a clean and user-friendly design with enhanced performance and responsiveness.  


Our team worked closely with the client to revamp their existing platform using a modern tech stack. We implemented a responsive front-end using Vue.js, integrated a GraphQL API for efficient data retrieval, and utilized Laravel on the back-end to streamline data management. Additionally, we implemented Vuex for state management, Jest for automated testing, and Lokalise for efficient localization of the platform across multiple regions. 


The project spanned over 10 months and involved a cross-functional team with specialized roles: 


  • Front-end Developers: 12 members 
  • Back-end Developers: 20 members 
  • QA Engineers: 2 members 
  • UI/UX Designers: 2 members 
  • Project Manager: 5 members 






We’ve used the latest technologies and libraries such as:  


  • Vue.js: Chosen for its reactive components and efficient rendering, enhancing user interactivity. 
  • Laravel: Used to develop a robust and scalable back-end with well-structured APIs. 
  • Twig templates: Employed for efficient rendering and easy-to-maintain HTML templates. 
  • Jest: Implemented for automated testing to ensure platform stability. 
  • GraphQL: Integrated for optimized data fetching, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching. 
  • Vuex: Utilized for centralized state management, enhancing data consistency. 
  • Lokalise: Enabled streamlined localization to cater to diverse user bases. 
  • Jenkins: Employed for continuous integration and deployment, ensuring code quality and timely updates. 
  • GitLab: Used as the version control and collaboration platform to manage codebase efficiently. 







Our contributions to the deals platform resulted in significant achievements, including: 


  • Improved User Engagement: The revamped platform received positive feedback from users, leading to increased deal submissions and user registrations. 

  • Optimized Data Fetching: The integration of GraphQL reduced unnecessary API calls and resulted in a smoother and more efficient user experience. 


  • Enhanced Performance: The platform exhibited notable improvements in page load times and overall performance, contributing to a better user experience. 

  • On-Time Delivery: Our team's dedication to delivering a high-quality product on time played a crucial role in the project's success. 


In conclusion, our collaboration resulted in a fully revitalized and user-friendly deals platform that has elevated the shopping experience for millions of users across the globe. The combination of modern technologies and iterative improvements has contributed to increased user engagement, streamlined data management, and enhanced overall performance. 




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